About Nacl, And Properties and use of Nacl (Sodium chloride)

                           About Nacl( Sodium Chloride)

Information of NaCl (Sodium Chloride)

    Sodium chloride also known as salt is an ionic compound with the chemical formula NaCl and it is made sodium and chloride ion. PureSodium Chloride(Nacl) Is a colorless compound but if maybe impurities, it may take on another color. like as it may be purple or blue, yellow or pink.

About Nacl(Sodium chloride)
About Nacl(Sodium chloride)

Molecular weight of NaCl(Sodium Chloride)

    The NaCl from Na( sodium) atomic mass 22.98 and cl(chlorine) atomic mass 35.45 so NaCl molecular weight is 58.43 nearby 58.5gm/mol.

Properties and use of NaCl(Sodium Chloride)

  1. NaCl(Sodium Chloride) is essential to maintain the electrolyte balance of fluids in a person's body.
  2. Hospitals use an intravenous NaCl(Sodium Chloride)solution to supply water and salt to patients to alleviate dehydration.
  3. NaCl(Sodium chloride) is absorbed and transport nutrients in food to the body. Sodium Chloride is -maintain Blood pressure.
  4.  A melting and boiling point of NaCl( Sodium chloride) approximate is 801 c and 1465 c.
  5. NaCl (Sodium chloride) is an inorganic and white coloured compound.

 How To make NaCl(Sodium Chloride)


How to make Nacl
How to make NaCl
   - Sodium chloride(NaCl) is formed when a chemical is processed between sodium ion and chloride ion. The equation can be seen as above.

 What is the disease caused by NaCl(Sodium Chloride)

    - Sodium Deficiency is usually a sign of an underlying disorder. the name for this condition is hyponatremia. It can be due to inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (ADH), caused by disorders that affect hormone balance, certain drugs, and certain medical conditions.

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