About CH4N2O (urea),Properties and use of CH4N2O (urea)

                         About CH4N2O (urea) 
Information of CH4N2O (urea) 
    Urea is an organic compound and also known carbamide chemical formula CO(NH2)2. It is colourless compound.This amide has two -NH2 groups joined by a carbonyl functional group.

About CH4N2O (Urea)
About CH4N2O (Urea)
       It is also water soluble neutral compound and its make to elements are nitrozen, hydrozen, carbon and oxyzen include.it also known as a keratolytic.

Molecular weight of CH4N2O (urea)
      The CH4N2O (urea) from C molecular mass 12, H molecular mass  1,O molecular mass 16 and N molecular mass, so CH4N2O (urea) molecular weight 60gm/mol.
Properties and use of CH4N2O (urea) 
  1.  An organic compound is colourless and ammonia smelling solid.
  2.  A boiling point and melting point is 196.6 c and 132.6c.
  3.  It is non-flemmble and crytaline compound.
  4. Urea is used to tret dry/rough and skin conditions and some nail problems.
  5. Urea is widely used in fertilizers as a source of nitrozen and is an import raw material for the chemical industry.
  6. Urea is a non-toxic and water soluble compounds.
How to make CH4N2O (urea)

How to make CH4N2O (Urea)
How to make CH4N2O (Urea)

  -  A chemical processed between the NH3(Ammonia) and CO2(Carbon dioxide) after that got product Ammonium carbamate and that is convert to H2O(Water) and CH4N2O (urea).

What is the disease caused by CH4N2O(Urea) ?
    -A urea cycle disorder is a geneticdisorder caused by a mutation that results in a deficiency of one of the six enzymes in the urea cycle. These enzymes are responsible for removing ammonia from the blood stream.
  - If the urea cycle is interrupted. there is sign of disease. Normally the urea is transferred into the urine and removed from the body.

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