About C7H7NO ( Benzamide),Properties and use of C7H7NO ( Benzamide)

                                         About C7H7NO ( Benzamide)
Information of  C7H7NO ( Benzamide)
      Benzamide is also an organic compound with the chemical formula of C7H7NO.it is white (colourless) crystalline solid compound.its can be shown as follows.

About C7H7NO (Benzamide)
About C7H7NO (Benzamide)

       it is slightly water soluble compound and excessive soluble in an organic solvents. its make to elements are carbon,  nitrozen, oxyzen and hydrozen include.
  Molecular weight of C7H7NO (Benzamide)
       The compound from C molecular mass 12, H molecular mass 1, N molecular mass 14 and O molecular mass 16, so C7H7NO
molecular weight 121.1gm/mol.
   Properties and use of C7H7NO (Benzamide)
  1. Benzamide compound is an organic and colourless (white) solid.
  2. Neutral (Benzamide) compounds is slightly soluble in water and excessive soluble in an organic solvents.
  3. A boling and melting point is approximate  287.92 c, 128.4 c.
  4. Benzamide is an intermediate in the benzoate degradation via coa ligation.
  5. In psychiatry some substituted benzamidesare thearapeutically used as neuroleptics and/or antipsychotics.
How to make C7H7NO (Benzamide)


How to make C7H7NO (Benzamide)
How to make C7H7NO (Benzamide)
     -C7H7NO( Benzamide) is formed when a chemical is processed between Benzoyl chloride and NH3(Ammonia). The equastion can be seen as above.
What is the disease caused by benzamide ?
     - Levo sulpiride is a substituted bezamide that is widely used for the management of dyspepsia and emesis. benzamide derivatives including cisapride, sulpiride, tiapride, and metoclopramide can cause drug-induced parkinsonism.

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